• Forwood Science Fair (Science Fair Date T.B.D.)
    What is a Science Fair?
         A Science Fair is an event where you and other Forwood students display your science projects. A good way to develop a science fair project is to design an experiment to find an answer to a question that interests you. Other ways are to demonstrate a scientific idea, present research (things you have learned about a certain topic) or display a collection.
    All science/STEAM projects follow the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

    Science Fair Packet : Click to download the entire Science Fair Packet (pdf format) with instructions, resources and Participation Form.

    Science Fair Resources:  Click the page on the left to view links to resources. 

    Science Fair Timeline:  Please note these important dates

    Date T.B.D.

    ·        Select a topic/question and return the form stating your intent to do participate in the science fair (form attached to this packet)

    ·        Once you submit your topic and it is approved, get started on your project as soon as possible.

    Date T.B.D.

    ·        Return form with specifics of project and display requirements
    (This form will be sent out to students returning the first form.)


    Date T.B.D.

    ·        Complete your experiment by this date, prepare your display.  
    All displays must have a title card which includes your name, grade and room number. The card should also include your topic and/or question.


    Date T.B.D.

    ·        Students and parents bring Science Fair project to school in the morning the day before the fair.

    Date T.B.D.

    Science Fair

    ·        Projects will be displayed during the day and evening. 

    ·        Participant assembly in the afternoon. 

    ·        Families may attend the fair in the evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm