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Senior Destiny Cheeks and ELA teacher Ms. Howton speak 11th Annual Vision Coalition Conference on Collaboration in Education.

MPHS Senior Destiny Cheeks spoke at the 11th Annual Vision Coalition Conference on Collaboration in Education on October 11, 2018 along with MPHS ELA Teacher Robyn Howton, who served as a panelist. Destiny Cheeks gave the morning address to the audience and finished the conference with a job offer, two offers to serve on two boards for non-profits, and full admission to Delaware State University with a scholarship.  Destiny's speech focused on why educators need to not only collaborate and talk about what they will do for students, but why we need to take action. She shared with the audience that her experience in Girls Empowered has helped her build her confidence, believe in herself, and be comfortable to speak up as a young, African American woman. Ms. Howton shared on the panel why we need more classroom teachers to get involved in solving issues facing education, and about the need to get more people interested in the field of teaching as early as middle and high school, and to build a diverse pipeline of individuals to enter the teaching field who reflect the diverse needs and backgrounds of our students. #MountPRIDE



Destiny Cheeks

Ms. Howton on panel