    CuriMrs. Calderón-Lacy
    Dear Mount Pleasant Parents and Guardians,
    It is with great honor and excitement that I introduce myself, Curi Calderón-Lacy, as the new Acting Principal at Mount Pleasant High School. My passion for educating and supporting students began 23 years ago as a teacher of Spanish Language and Literature in New York City. Over the last 13 years as an I.B. Teacher and Administrator at Mount Pleasant High School I have dedicated my time to the success and development of each student through their 4 year education. 
    In addition to my new position there are two additional changes to the Administrative Team at Mount. Mr. Martin Regan returns as Assistant Principal and Mr. Bill O'Hanlon returns as Dean of Students. Ms. Ella Burton and Mr. Paul Gillerlain will continue to support the Administrative Team in their current positions. 
    My goal is to offer an excellent education where diversity of learning styles are honored and where individual differences are respected. Helping students take risks in a safe and nuturing environment promotes a positive growth mindset. Our students will engage in learning critical thinking skills, collaboration, teamwork, and self-discipline as they take ownership for their learning. These skills go hand in hand with a well-rounded instructional staff. Our teachers will continue to provide students with opportunities to cultivate their individuality while developing their content knowledge in the classroom. All of this will be accomplished by the partnership and collaboration of students, parents, and staff. 
    Over the next few weeks I will continue to settle into the role and learn as I go through this year. Please know that I am available to you as a liaison for your concerns and needs of our staff and district. I appreciate your patience as I assume this role. I will do my best to sustain a collaborative relationship between us, as we dedicate our lives to your children. 
    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at (302)762-7125 or schedule an appointment with Ms. Taika Davis (taika.davis@bsd.k12.de.us) to meet with me.
    Mrs. Curi-Calderón-Lacy
    Acting Principal
    Mount Pleasant High School