• General Music
    Every child at Forwood participates in the general music program by attending music class once a week for 45 minutes. Students experience lessons in music through singing, instrument playing, and movement. General music classes at Forwood are designed according to the Delaware Recommended Curriculum for Visual and Performing Arts. The Delaware Recommended Curriculum for Music is based upon the National Association for Music Education Core Arts Standards. 
    This curriculum includes the Grade Level Expectations (GLE's), which define what concepts are to be taught at each grade level. The GLE's are divided into four levels: introduce, develop, proficient, and extend. Kindergarten students are introduced to some of these musical concepts and skills. First graders develop their previously learned skills and at the same time are introduced to new ones. Students in the second and third grades continue to develop their musical skills and begin to show proficiency in the ones that they have been working on for a long time. Concepts and skills that are more advanced will be introduced in the second and third grade years. Fourth and fifth grade students are not only becoming proficient in some musical skills, they're beginning to extend them too! The most advanced concepts and skills that the students will take with them as they move on to middle school will be introduced at the fourth and fifth grade levels.
    The biggest event of the general music year is the Spring Concert. This is when all students in kindergarten through third grade are able to get up on stage and show off their musical skills to an audience of friends and family!
    Grades K-3 Spring Concert
    Friday, April 12, 2019 - 1:45 PM
    Music Schedule
      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    8:35-9:15       5th Chorus  
    9:15-10 5 - Pugh 5 - Nelson     5 - Levy
    10:05-10:50 3 - Foster          3 - Nuss 3 - Sullivan 3 - Nuss  
    10:55-11:40 4 - Goodnow 4 - Williams Lunch Duty 4th Chorus 4 - Savage
    11:45-12:30 2- Clay 2 - Levine 2 - Grandizio 2 - Levine Lunch Duty
    1:10-1:55 1 - Casper 1 - Poorman 1 - Boyd 1 - Poorman 1 - Boyd
    2-2:45 K - Mosel K - O'Hanlon

    K - O'Hanlon

    K - Mosel K - Regenauer
     2:50-3:25 Teacher Duty  Teacher Duty  Teacher Duty  5th Chorus  
    General Music Downloads
    None at this time.  
    Questions about the general music program can be directed to Mrs. Swartz (barbara.swartz@bsd.k12.de.us).
Last Modified on October 1, 2018