• Delaware Tobacco Facts:

    Tobacco's BIG impact on our small state Delaware is hit hard by tobacco and cigarette smoking
    Do you think that cigarette smoking and other tobacco products don't have an impact in Delaware? Take a look at these facts and think again.
    • 7,600 high school students smoke in Delaware
    • Nearly 10% of guys in high school use smokeless tobacco
    • 1,000 kids become new, daily smokers every year
    • 1.7 million packs of cigarettes are bought or smoked by kids every year
    • Big Tobacco spends $68.4 million on marketing in Delaware
    • Smoking costs Delaware $284 million in healthcare costs every year
    • 18,000 kids alive now will ultimately die prematurely from smoking
    • 1,100 adults now die every year from smoking
    Nationwide, smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. And addiction rates for smoking are higher than rates for alcohol, or for drugs such as marijuana and cocaine.
    Click here for more Delaware tobacco facts and statistics. 

    Source: www.ysmoke.org

Last Modified on March 26, 2012