


    Frequently ask questions about JROTC:



    1.  WHAT IS JROTC?

    JROTC is an elective class that is offered for up to four years beginning with Leadership Education Training – 1 (LET-1).  The course provides academic credit just as any other elective course in high school.  The curriculum emphasis is on citizenship, leadership, teamwork and personal responsibility.  Students are required to wear an Army JROTC uniform every Thursday they have JROTC which is every other week or once every two weeks. They are inspected for proper wear. These uniforms are provided to the students free of charge so long as they are returned at the end of the year or whenever they leave the program.

    Every class has time allocated for some marching. We teach subjects such as Leadership Principles, Military and World History, Geography, Physical and Mental Wellness (stress management, interpersonal awareness, interpersonal awareness, physical wellness, effective communication), Study Skills, Substance Abuse Prevention, and First Aid are just some of the lessons taught.  Fridays are reserved for physical training.


    JROTC does not obligate any student to enter the military at any level.  Neither does the JROTC program recruit students for any military service.  However, some students do decide that they will enter the military upon graduation and their JROTC experience is an advantage.  Only 2-3% of the High School Seniors in JROTC at Mount Pleasant Army JROTC join the military each year. That number equates to 2-5 people a year.


    There are several great reasons why JROTC is a great program for students, parents and the community.  These are a few:

    a.  It is a fantastic peer group.  JROTC students are a cross-section of the student body as a whole.  However, most teachers and administrators will tell you that JROTC students are more self-disciplined and motivated than their counterparts who do not take JROTC.  We seek to instill positive personal morals, respect and responsibility.  These are characteristics that carry our students throughout their high school years and into adult life.

    b.  Integrated Curricular Activities:  The JROTC program provides cadets with opportunities to participate in after school and weekend activities.  These include but are not limited to community support, volunteer events, Color Guards, Drill Team, Raider (Physical Fitness) Team and Air Rifle Marksmanship Team.  All cadets are encouraged to participate in one or more teams.  Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA for the marking period to participate.  Practices are held after school Monday -Thursday 2:30pm-4:15PM.

    c.  It assists in attaining scholarship and increased rank in the military.  Some students do take JROTC with an eye on entering the military after graduation.  Others have desires to obtain ROTC scholarships to college or to attend one of our nation’s prestigious military academies.  Those who complete 2 to 4 years of JROTC may enter service having already achieved rank that will provide increased pay from $350 to $700 per month. For those students who wish to go on to college, we get literature and share our knowledge to mentor and assist them to achieve their goals of an education and commission as a military officer.

    d.  It has a dedicated Cadre (Instructors) who are concerned with each student’s success.  ROTC Instructors are retired military professionals certified to teach and mentor high school students.  Each of us has experienced a great deal of the world and have children of our own.  From this vantage, we consider our work a calling rather than just a job.

    Q:  You say you're not recruiting, but don't many JROTC graduates enter the military?

    A:  Many cadets find they enjoy military discipline and structure; it brings out their best and allows them to excel.  Some win appointments to one of the military academies.  And those who enlist can enter military service at a higher rank and pay grade.  But the JROTC program DOES NOT request or expect a military commitment of any kind.  Only 2-3% of the High School Seniors in JROTC at Mount Pleasant Army JROTC join the military each year. That number equates to 2-5 people a year.

    Q:  Can JROTC help students go to college?

    A:  We definitely can help.  JROTC training improves the ability to study, take tests, to set goals, and to focus. What are colleges looking for Leader, Scholar, and Athlete.

    Q:  Do cadets have to wear uniforms?

    A:  Yes, Every other Thursday at Mount Pleasant in school all day, or when taking part in special ceremonies.  The rest of the time normal clothing is fine.

    Q:  Are there any fees for uniforms, books, or special equipment?

    A:  The JROTC program supplies uniforms, books, and all other equipment used in the course, free of charge.  There is a fee if the uniform is damaged, lost, or stolen.

    Q:  Is JROTC as hard as it sounds?

    A:  No, the Army JROTC elective is not hard. You are not in the military.  The class is an introduction to the Army. Most students who make an effort really enjoy the challenge and thrive on the hard work and discipline.

    Q:  Who teaches JROTC?

    A:  Retired Army personnel with years of experience working with young people are the instructors.  They are certified by the U. S. Army, but they are hired by, and work for, the school.  We have state-of-the-art instruction techniques.

    Q:  Are there any age requirements to be in JROTC?

    A:  There's no firm age requirement, but students must be in at least the 9th grade to take JROTC.

    Q:  Where can I get more information about JROTC?

    A:  The guidance counselor at Mount Pleasant will be glad to assist you.  You can also contact the Colonel at 302-762-7124 ext 5024.