• NHS at Mount Pleasant Fitness Fest 2017

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanon on 5/21/2017

    NHS at Mount Pleasant Fitness Fest 2017

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  • Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 4/27/2017

    May 5th: McKinnon Track Meet

    May 14th: Delaware Marathon

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  • NHS at the Delaware Historical Society

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 3/26/2017

    NHS at the Delaware Historical Society

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  • Reminder of Upcoming NHS Volunteer Opportunities

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 3/16/2017

    We have a number of upcoming volunteer opportunities that still have slots available.

    • Saturday, March 25th and Sunday, March 26th volunteers are needed for the Caeser Rodney Half Marathon. There are volunteer slots in Newark and in Wilmington on both of these days. The signup genius can be found here.


    • Saturday, March 25 NHS is volunteering at the Delaware Historical Society. Shifts are available 1:00- 3:00 and 3:00- 5:00. Information about bringing laptops and parking can be found on the signup genius here.


    • Two volunteers are still needed for the spring musical on Saturday, March 25th from 1:15- 4:15. The signup genius can be found here.


    Please remember to wear your NHS shirt when you volunteer!

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  • NHS at AAUW book sale

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 3/11/2017

    NHS at AAUW book sale

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  • NHS volunteers at First books (we helped organized 32,000 books!)

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 12/19/2016

    NHS volunteers at First books (we helped organized 32,000 books!)

    NHS volunteers at First books (we helped organized 32,000 books!)

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  • NHS at Rockwood Park

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 12/4/2016

    NHS at Rockwood Park

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  • 20 boxes of books collected for the AAUW Book Drive

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 11/30/2016


    20 boxes of books collected for the AAUW Book Drive

    20 boxes of books collected for the AAUW Book Drive

    AAUW Book Drive

    Comments (-1)
  • NHS volunteers at Historic Claymont Tours

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 11/7/2016

    NHS Volunteers Claymont Community Tour


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  • NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game

    Posted by Mr. O'Hanlon on 10/18/2016

    NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game



     NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game   NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game

    NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game   NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game

    NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game   NHS Students Volunteer at the Blue Rocks game

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