• Medications  medicines
    Any medication which has been prescribed by a physician can be administered by the school nurse. The school nurse may also administer non-prescription medications. These guidelines must be followed in the administration of prescription and non-prescription medications:
    1. The medicine must be in the original container (State Law).
    2. The medicine must be accompanied by a note signed by the parent stating:
      (a) the time the medicine is to be given in school;
      (b) the reason the medicine is to be given;
      (c) the allergies (if any) that the child has, particularly to medications; and
      (d) the telephone number where parents can be reached during the day.
    3. If the nurse has any questions about the administration of the medicine, she may withhold the dispensing of it until she has been able to contact the parent. Below you can download a form to allow the nurse to administer medications.
    Here you can download a form to allow the nurse to administer medications.