• Forwood's  first Annual Student Art Show, The Blue Fox Art Exhibit, opened last school year on May 22nd and ended on June 3rd, the day of the Ice Cream Social.  Thank you to all the wonderful families, students, faculty, staff, and individuals of the community who helped put it up and take it down.  It proved to be a great success.  Everyone was able to see what Forwood Elementary students do in the art room throughout the year. The pictures below are from last year's year long cultural unit which is described below the images.  Please Enjoy!

  • Last year, during the Cultural unit, my classes traveled the world on our foam of fun. We hiked, swam, flew, and used other imaginary ways to get around the globe. We learned about various cultures and their art.  We will traveled to Mexico, where we found Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's art.  Then went back into the time of the Native Americans in North America, and then discovered Folk art in America and Europe.  Lastly we traveled to Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Rim.
    Selections are saved each year to be placed in the Brandywine Art Show. Last year, the art show was well presented and represented.  Find the Young Brandywine Artist Exhibit link to the left, also referred to as the YBAE, for a slideshow of all k-8 students who were represented in the exhibit.