• Throughout students' six years here at Forwood, they will all have the opportunity to work with pencil, markers, scissors, glue, watercolor, tempera paint, charcoal, air dry clay, beads, weaving, sculpture, portraiture, and more!  It is my goal to have each child's artwork on display at least once during the year.  All students will be displayed at our Blue Fox Art Exhibit.*   
    We run on a three year long rotating curriculum which include: Culture, Art Movements and the Artists who move them, and Art Careers.  We use a varied amount of mediums and techniques in our lessons.  This curriculum aligns and utilizes the Delaware suggested curriculum for art and Delaware and National Art Standards.
    This year my classes will be participating in our year long Art Movements and the Artists that move them curriculum. First, we will learn about such artist as Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Joan Miro, and Piet Mondrian during the first two months of the year.  Then, we will move on to the Renaissance in November and discuss Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Yes, Michelangelo had a last name!  Next, we will discuss such artists as Claude Monet, Mary Cassatt, and Edward Degas during our Impressionist Movement in December and January.  Later, we move onto Post Impressionist artists like Vincent van Gogh, and Georges Seurat during February.  After February, students will discuss Henri Mattisse, Marc Chagall, and Franz Marc and learn how our school art show got it's name! Finally, during April and May, your child will learn about Pablo Picasso and Georgia O'Keefe and their major contributions to art.  The lessons here at Forwood follow our National and Delaware Standards in Art Education giving your child an in depth and enriching art experience.
    Next year is our Art Careers where we will be discussing Optical Illusion Art (OP Art) and Computer art; Architecture with the artist Antoni Guadi i Cornet and Frank Lloyd Wright; Sculpture, mentioning Michelangelo, Mior, and Picasso in the first half of the year. In January we will move on to Fashion Design and discuss Gustav Klimt and Diego Valezquez.  Then is Illustration with artist like Faith Ringold, Dr. Suess, and Beatrix Potter.  Next we will do Cartooning/Commercial Art and Pop Art with Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol.  After that, we will work on Design both logo and structure.  Last we will get expressive with Jackson Pollock.
    In our third year, which was completed last year, we will work on our cultural unit. During the Cultural unit, my classes travel the world on our foam of fun. We hike, swim, fly, and use other imaginary ways to get around the globe. We learned about various cultures and their art.  We will travel to South America to learn about the Pre-Columbian art and then travel through time to discover Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.  Next we move through time northward to learn about the Native Americans in North America. After our discovery we will learn about Folk art in America and Europe with a mention of Grandma Moses.  Come January, we travel to Asia and discover the wide varieties of Asian cultures and countries. Next we travel to Africa learning about culture but also create some knowledge of fabulous African American artists Jacob Lawrence and Faith Ringold. Last we will immerse our abilities in the Pacific Rim discussing both aboriginal art and the art of Paul Gauguin while he was in Tahiti.
     *The only exceptions to this are if consent is not given from the guardian to have work displayed or work is not provided during class time, this includes but is not limited to those students who forget to write their name on their artworks.