• Hoot Hoot!

    We encourage all families to join the PTA. The cost is $6.00 per person or $10.00 per two memberships. When you join the PTA you have a say in how our funds are spent and what we do throughout the school year. You are not obligated to join; however, a portion of your membership fee is used to help fund various events for your children.


    All proceeds from the fundraisers we have help fund various activities throughout the year.


    We are continuing to collect Box Tops. We are no longer collecting Campbell’s Labels. Thank you in advance for sending in your Box Top labels. You can send them in with your child in a plastic baggie. Last year we earned close to $1,000.00 in box tops. That is thanks to all of our Maple Lane families.  


    Thank you in advance for all of your help and support. Volunteers and new ideas are ALWAYS welcome. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to any PTA officer at: maplelaneowlspta@gmail.com or our Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/MapleLanePTA
    We look forward to an exciting school year!!