Dual language immersion programs help students attain high levels of proficiency in a second language. Young children in particular thrive in this type of environment and are more adept at language acquisition.
    In addition to being the second most widely spoken language in the United States, Spanish is an important language in global business community. Fluency in Spanish opens doors to many career opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.
    • Second Language Skills
      • Students in an immersion program can be expected to achieve a high level of proficiency in the second language.
    • Improved Academic Performance
      • Exposing students to language at a young age helps promote intellectual development. Children who participate in immersion programs perform as well as or better than their peers on achievement tests in English and math.
    • Cognitive Development
      • Dual language students typically develop increased attention control, memory, and superior problem-solving skills. In addition, learning a second language can enhance students’ understanding of their primary language.
    • Cultural Sensitivity
      • Students in immersion programs are more aware of and show more positive attitudes toward other cultures, enabling them to interact effectively with people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs, and interests.
    • Long-Term Benefits
      • Later in life, immersion students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where knowledge of a second language is an asset.