     ADD/ADHD Assistance Workshop

    2014 Family EngagementSurvey – Your Voice!

    It is that time ofthe year again, when the district looks for direct, individual parent &family feedback from across the district in the form of our ANNUAL FAMILYENGAGEMENT SURVEY.  And similar to past years, we are offering hard copyas well as electronic access – so please check out your school’s website todayunder “Site Shortcuts” for the easiest & most direct way to provide yourfeedback.  Or better yet, scan the image to the right to go directly tothe survey from your smart phone.


    And YES, these responses are used & shared acrossthe district.  Want to see last year’s results?  Go to the districtwebsite under the Parent Tab and look under “A” for Annual Symposium. There you will find a PowerPoint presentation that gives a district-wide perspectiveof last year’s results.  Plus, at that time last June, each buildingreceived their individual 2013 results & comments as input to their summerplanning efforts. 


    So, let us hear it!  What you like, what you findconfusing and/or suggestions for improvement.  It’s YOUR VOICE in thesesurvey responses.  We want to hear from you!     Thank you in advance.


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