• The P.S duPont Parent Zone

    Parents Involved
    Internet Resources
    Contacting Teachers/Staff
    Parents can contact teachers and staff members either by email or by phone.  The staff directory on this site lists all staff members' email addresses as well as room numbers.  Our telephone system uses room numbers as the telephone extension number for staff. Please remember that teachers are not permitted to take calls during instructional periods.  It is our policy to try and return phone calls and emails within forty-eight hours.  In the case of an emergency, please call the Main Office at 762-7146 for assistance. 
     Parent Conferences
    Conferences are scheduled following the distribution of report cards and as needed during the school year. Please refer to the BSD Calendar for specific dates. Conferences keep parents informed of student progress. Each child’s teacher will work with parents to find a mutually convenient time. Please contact the school if you are not able to attend the conference so alternative arrangements can be made. Parents are welcome to schedule additional phone or personal conferences during the year, if needed.
    Parent Involvement
    Volunteers are essential to the effective operation of the school. The extensive programs offered at P.S. could not be provided without parent volunteers. At P.S., one of the most valuable projects of the PTA is coordinating volunteers for these programs. Volunteering is beneficial to students and parents. Students seem proud that their parents are part of the school and parents become familiar with the staff, students, teaching techniques and programs which ultimately results in a more effective school environment.

    Parents may serve in a variety of ways: by assisting in the classroom, serving as chaperones at school sponsored events, assisting in the library, serving as resource persons by sharing special skills and interests and by participating in events or activities. A PTA Volunteer form is available on the PTA page of this website. There is a place for everyone to help. If you need assistance choosing, please contact your grade level administrator, counselor or any PTA Officer.