• oy es 7/3/2024
    ¡Hola, y mucho gusto!
    Señorita John- Maestra
     Email address:   Gemelle.John@bsd.k12.de.us
     Phone/Voicemail:  (302)762-7146 ext. 1243
     Room:   (243)

    About Me

    My Education:   I'm a graduate of the University of Delaware, (go blue hens!), where I received my Bachelors in Spanish Education.
    My Experience:  I student taught at PS  DuPont. I have also had multiple undergraduate classroom placements throughout Delaware schools, and have  experience as a tutor and camp counselor for a variety of ages. I lived and studied in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I love to travel and hope to share this in the classroom!
    Favorite Quote: “Cualquier destino, por largo y complicado que sea, consta en realidad de un solo momento: el momento en que el hombre sabe para siempre quién es”
    Jorge Luis Borges 
    Teaching Philosophy:   A student's classroom learning should always be accompanied by a deeper understanding of self.
    Personal Interests:  Poetry, theater, dance, music, and the arts as a tool for social justice.