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    Mr. M.K. Scira mstr
    Visual Arts Teacher
     Email address:  mark.scira@bsd.k12.de.us
     Phone/Voicemail: 762-7146
     Room: 300


    About Me

    My Education: Masters
    My Experience:13+ in the district
    Teaching Philosophy: I believe that if one wills it, one can achieve anything. I believe that people need to be met where they are and encouraged to be guided to becoming the best person they desire to be. Most of all, I believe that Art shapes the world's view of society, of each other, and how we view outselves through the "classical" sense of museums and "high art" and through the mass accessed mediums of television and the net in ways that most people are unaware and need to be made aware of. Art should serve to make one's personal and global views know to any that encounter it. Art is all that is left once a civilization falls into ruin. All we really KNOW of the acients and influences our judgement on weather their civilization was "advanced" is all based on thier art and culture that was left behind.

    Personal Interests: I am currently a Master Potter at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire and have owned my own shop on the Faire grounds for the past 15 years. My shop is known as the Laughing Dragon Pottery and can be found by the mud pit and above O'Malley's Alley. I paint and sculpt as well. I am active in wolf preservation and a firm believer in "rescue" animals being adopted over "breeding". I originally come from Upstate NY.