• Bass Claf Names

    7th and 8th Grade Concert Choir
    Mr. John Bell
    Choral Music
    Drama Instructor
    Musical/Drama Sponsor
     Email address:  john.bell@bsd.k12.de.us
     Phone/Voicemail: 762-7146  x 161
     Room: 161


    For the most current information please visit the Music Department's new website at psdupontmusic.net

    About Me

    My Education: University of Delaware
    My Experience: Lake Forest High School, Instrumental and Vocal Music 1993-1994
                              POLYTECH High School, Instrumental and Vocal Music 1994-1996
                              Hanby Middle School, Vocal Music 1996-2009
                              P.S. duPont Middle school, Vocal Music 2009-Present
    Personal Interests: Drum Corps, Marching Band, Travel (AKA Raod Trips), Model Railroading