• Math Is Fun!
    Mathematics is the language that helps explain the world around us. It is also the beauty of creation revealed. Math is in everything. This year, I hope to journey with our students into this world around us exploring relationships between numbers, observing and predicting outcomes of situations, solving real life and theoretical problems, thinking about how we think. In addition to the specific studies in Pre-Algebra, we will practice and develop some life long habits of learning such as: persistence, questioning, critical thinking, self- assessing/checking, and cooperative learning.
    Math is a subject where we learn from our mistakes. In fact, that is one of the best ways we learn. If we are able to be persistent, and rethink and try again, we learn the true meaning of success. As Albert Einstein said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
    This year we are going to try things that are new!
    Below is found my contact Information. E-mail is the fastest way to reach me.
    Mr. Joseph Menna, M.S.Ed., Ed.D. (ABD)
    Mathematics Department
       RtI, Grade 8
       General Math Grades 6 and 8
    (302)762-7146 x1166