• Today is 7/3/2024
    Welcome to 7th Grade Mathematics. I am excited to begin a new school year. My goal is that your child will develop a mathematical foundation upon which to build a life full of learning. The sequence of concepts that we will cover this year is designed to help your child develop into a logical thinker. 
    If, at any time, you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me using the information below. 
     Tracy A. S. Pinkett
    Tracy A. S. Pinkett
    Teacher of Mathematics - 7th Grade
     Email address:   tracy.pinkett@bsd.k12.de.us
     Phone/Voicemail: 302-762-7146 ext 1240
     Room:   240

    About Me

    My Education:   B.S. - Hampton University
    Graduate studies - Temple University - Marketing
    Wilmington University - Education
    My Experience:  Accounting/Global Loan Operations - 17 years 
                           Teaching Mathematics:
                                  Chester-Upland School District - 2002-03
                                  Red Clay Consolidated School District - 2003-07
                                  Mount Pleasant HS - 2007-11
                                  PS duPont MS - 2011-Present
    Favorite Quote:    "The circumference of life cannot be rightly determined until the center is set." - Benjamin E. Mays