• Course Syllabus-EspaÑol (2016-2017)

    Sta. John

    Room 243

    309-762-7146 ext.1243


    Hola, students and caretakers:

    Welcome to a new year at PS, and a new year of Spanish! The purpose of this class is to develop a practical use and knowledge of the language and culture, while preparing the students for their next years of the language.  Students will practice reading, writing, listening and speaking in the class. In this course we must use the language in order to learn it- students understand that Spanish will be spoken as much as possible.

    Students are expected to come...

    • (On time) with an open mind. If you say “I can’t do it”, you most likely won’t be able to.

    • Awake

    • Not using foul and/or disrespectful actions or language towards the teacher and/or classmates as it will not be tolerated

    • Following all PS rules and regulations

    • Prepared to learn

    ‘Prepared to learn’ requires

    1. A pencil or pen

    2. Their workbook (which will be provided)

    3. A one to one and a half inch 3-ring binder with folder pockets or a folder to collect handouts and with some loose leaf paper for note taking

    4 * A pocket sized or small dictionary is optional- They can be acquired inexpensively from Amazon. Second hand book stores such as “Around Again Books” (Branmar Plaza II, 1806 Marsh Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810)- also have them for as little as $1.


    Grades will be based on

    1. Homework 15%

    2. Participation  15%

    3. Tests 25%

    4. Quizzes 20%

    5. Projects 25%

    I try to grade to multiple strengths, so exams and projects will usually alternate as summative (end of unit) assessments.


    Homework is designed to support classroom instruction. Please do not do your homework in class the day it is due. You have already made your choice to not do it.


    We will follow the guidelines of the school in the classroom and the hallways. I have absolute  zero, nada, nunca, cero, no tolerance for derogatory language/actions. If you have something nasty to say to peers or professionals kindly keep it to yourself and think of something nice to say :)

    Absences/Missed material

    It is  the student’s  responsibility to find out what they missed if they are absent. Feel free to email or ask the teacher (it is not the parent’s responsibility). In the event of a missed test or quiz it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time for a retake.


    Active, earnest participation during instruction and group activities is required of all students. If you are having a bad day, try your hardest or if necessary speak with the teacher before class.

    Bathroom Policy/Hall Passes

    Students will raise their hands and ask (in Spanish) if they require the bathroom. There is a sign out sheet and a pass. They will be allowed to go once in the period unless specific medical conditions apply. If the teacher senses that the privilege is being abused (i.e you use the bathroom EVERYDAY at the end of class) the student will have to find another class to use the bathroom in or go at lunch. Students will not be allowed to use the bathroom 10 minutes after class begins or 10 minutes before it ends as it interferes with classroom procedures.

    Class Specific Policies

    7th Grade (A3)

    This is a half year course. You should have had 6th grade Spanish. If you did not, it is still possible to succeed in the class (students have done very well), but you will need to put in the work.

    Introduction to Spanish (B5, B6)

    This is for students with no Spanish or just 6th grade Spanish. If you have had both 6th and 7th grade Spanish and got higher than a C, you should be in Spanish 1. If you don’t feel as comfortable with the language you are welcome to stay at this level but the work may feel redundant.

    Spanish 1 (A1, A4, B8)

    This is an advanced placement course. If you have no Spanish experience it may be very difficult to keep up.Most students in this course have had 6th and/or 7th grade Spanish.


    Caretakers and students should sign and return the section below to evidence reading and understanding of the syllabus. If you have any questions or concerns or you want to introduce yourself please feel free to email or call. Nice to meet you and I hope for an excellent year!           

    I have read the information in the 2015-2016 syllabus and reviewed it with my student. We understand what is expected in the course at PSD.


    Student Signature                   


    Parent Signature                 


    Class Period                                            Homeroom

    Please return to school by ______________________.