• Third Marking Period

    Posted by Ella Corrado on 2/7/2019

    Propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

    Synonyms: advertising, publicity, 

    Inaccurate- not accurate, false, wrong, erroneous or faulty

    Synonyms: false, wrong, erroneous or faulty

    lull- to calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements

    Synonyms: sooth, quiet, hush

    bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another,

    usually in a way considered to be unfair.

    Synonyms: influence, sway, prejudice

    Claim: This is your position or viewpoint on an issue

    Synonyms: declare, insist, maintain

    Counterclaim: This is what the opposing side is arguing about the issue.

    Rebuttal: This is your response to the counterclaim. It further supports your claim.

    Synonyms: refute, deny, contradict, negate

    Evidence- the available body of facts or information

    indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

    Warrant- your explanation of the evidence and how it supports the claim.

    Synonyms: reason, explanation, support

    Assertion- the action of stating something or exercising authority confidently and forcefully.

    Synonyms: statement, claim, proclamation

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  • Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac

    Posted by Ella Corrado on 12/1/2018
      1. Lurched- make a sudden, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements

      “My uncle clucked to the horses and shook the reins. The wagon lurched forward.”

        • Synonyms: stagger, stumble, wobble

      1. 2. Callous- a. showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
      1. (of a part of the body) having an area of hardened skin.

      “My father came up to me and put his broad, calloused hands on my shoulders.”

      Synonyms: Heartless, unfeeling, cold

      1. 3. Dread- anticipate with great apprehension or fear

      “The moment I dreaded had arrived. I stood and looked toward the hills. I could run up there and hide.”

        • Synonyms: Fear, worry

      1. 4. Ashamed- embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, characteristics, or associations

      “But I could see from the looks on their faces that losing most of their beautiful hair made those girls feel ashamed.”

        • Synonyms: apologetic, sheepish, remorseful
    1. Stun - astonish or shock (someone) so that they are temporarily unable to react.

      “Another stunned child was being led in, and shoved into that chair even before I was out the door.”

        • Synonyms: daze, stupefy, flabbergast

      6. Yelp- to utter a sharp quick shrill cry

      “We put our heads down as the red-dog white man yelped and roared.”

        • Synonyms: howl, cry, bark, yip

      1. Defiant - showing resistance

      “However, some of the children were not just forgetful about using our language, they were openly defiant.”

        • Synonyms: obstinate, stubborn, uncooperative

      1. Insulting Compliment - compliments that are actually offensive

      “‘Neddie, you are almost as bright as a little white child,’ the teachers would say, meaning to compliment me.”

        • Synonyms: rude, insolent, abusive

      1. Divine Destiny- the belief that the course of events in one’s life are  organized or structured by God to fulfill his heavenly purposes.

      “They said it was their divine destiny. The whole Pacific Ocean was meant to be theirs alone.”

        • Synonyms: fate, fortune, karma

      1. Averted - turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts)

      “I must have looked to everyone, even though my classmates had all politely averted their eyes from me while I was up there.”

        • Synonyms: prevent, avoid

      1. Fluent - able to express oneself easily and clearly

      “However, only men fluent in both English and Navajo were wanted.”

        • Synonyms: eloquent, articulate

      1. Cadence - rhythm; a fall and rise in the tone of voice

      “ ‘One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four.’ That is called counting cadence.”

        • Synonyms: meter, beat, pulse

      1. Flounder - struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion

      “Those who floundered or panicked were pulled out, had the water pumped out of them and then were pushed back in again.”

        • Synonyms: struggle, lurch, stumble,blunder

      1. Sinister - giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen

      “ ...the drill instructor said, with a sinister smile on his face.”

        • Synonyms: menacing, ominous, disturbing

      furlough -leave of absence especially that granted to a member of the armed services.

      Synonym- lay off, liberty, rest and relaxation

      “All of the non-Indian Marines who had been in boot camp with us were leaving on furloughs.

      inference- a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.

      Synonyms: deduction · conclusion · reasoning, theorizing

      plagiarism -the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

      Synonyms: copying, theft, stealing, poaching

      comrade- a companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization.

      “We did find it disturbing to look on the bodies of the dead, to step over them ,even if in some sad cases to share a foxhole for a whole night with a slain comrade.”

      Synonyms: companion, friend

      liberating- freeing a place or people from enemy occupation.

      Synonyms: unshackle, set free, emancipate

      Although the Japanese said they were liberating the island, they used the native people like slaves, beating or killing them if they tried to escape.”

      tranquil- free from disturbance; calm.

      “Then we chugged in at six knots an hour toward the tranquil beach.”

      Synonyms: peaceful, serene, calm

      maneuver - a large-scale military exercise of troops, warships, and other forces.

      “Trucks and tanks road down the ramps of LST’s. Planes buzzed overhead. There were all the sounds of a full-scale training maneuver.”

      Synonyms: operation, activity, exercise

      chaos - complete disorder and confusion.

      “What was missing was chaos. There was none of the noise and confusion of real battle.”

      Synonyms: disarray, pandemonium, mayhem

      Neutralize - render (something) ineffective or harmless by applying an opposite force or effect.

      “We could establish a defensible perimeter, build a new airfield, and then gradually work our way out to neutralize the whole island.”

      Synonyms: offset, counteract

      Honed - (of a blade) sharpened, or having perfected over a period of time.

      “We could hear the sound of whetstones being drawn along blades as some of the other Marines sitting on the desk behind us honed their already razor-sharp knives and bayonets.

      Synonyms: file, grind

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    Posted by Ella Corrado on 10/16/2018
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    Posted by Ella Corrado on 10/16/2018
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