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    Balloon Powered Vehicle DesignShrunken Apple Head Experiment

    General Characteristics

    Reasons well (Good thinker)                           Learns rapidly
    Has extensive vocabulary                                Has an excellent memory
    Has a long attention span                               Shows compassion
    Perfectionist                                                   Intense
    Morally Sensitive                                            Has strong curiosity
    Perseverant in their interests                          Has a high degree of energy
    Prefers older companions or adults                  Has a wide range of interests
    Early or avid reader                                        Has a great sense of humor
    Seeks the "hows" and the "whys"                    Is a keen observer
    Is highly creative                                            Has a vivid imagination
    Concerned with justice and fairness                 Is venturesome - wanting to do new things
    Makes good grades in most subjects               Is resourceful - solving problems with ingenious methods
    Asks many questions                                      Uses large number of words easily and accurately
    Uses a lot of commonsense