• Course Guidelines and Information

    Español 6th/7th    2017-2018

    Dra. Acker

    Email – linda.acker@bsd.k12.de.us

    Room 244

    Dear Parents and Students:

    Welcome to Spanish Class.  The purpose of this course is to provide each student with the opportunity to develop communicative skills

    (i.e.: listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in Spanish.  This is a participatory course.  In order to learn a foreign language, one must use a foreign language.  Students who participate fully by completing assignments and interacting in class in the target language should find the course more enjoyable, learn from their mistakes, and see their work improve.  Above all, I hope that the students will enjoy Spanish and will learn organizational and thought processing skills necessary for life after middle school.  Listed below are expectations for the class. 


    Ø  Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings.  (Pencil, workbook, and binder everyday

    Ø  There will be no locker passes given!

    Ø  Obtain permission by raising your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

    Ø  Follow directions and complete all assignments on time.

    Ø  Remain alert, awake, and on task during the class period.

    Ø  Be dismissed in a timely manner by the teacher, not the bell.

    Ø  Food & beverages (including gum) are prohibited in the classroom.

    Ø  Respect yourself, your teacher, and others and their possessions.

    Ø  Dress Code policy will be enforced at all times.

    Ø  Use of foul language and/or cheating will not be accepted!


    Required Materials for Class

    Materials must be brought to class EVERYDAY

    1. Sharpened Pencils and Erasable Pens

    2. Loose-leaf paper   

    3. One 2” sized 3-ring binder or larger;

    4. Folder with three-hole punch and two pockets

    5. Spanish Workbook (will be provided in class)

    6. Handheld Pencil Sharpener


    Recommended Materials for Class

    1.     Blue, Pink, and Green highlighter

    2.    Spanish/English Dictionary

    3.    Erasers and eraser tops

    4.    Three-hole punched pencil case for storage


    *Other materials for projects may be required during the year. 

    You will be notified well in advance.


    Homework will be given on a regular basis and will also be assigned on weekends.  10 points will be deducted from the 100 homework average for each homework assignment that is missed.  Students will not be permitted to go to their lockers for homework at the beginning, end or during class.  Homework will not be accepted under the following conditions;

    -Sloppy or illegible.

    -Completed as the bell rings or during class before it is checked.

    -Copied from another student.

    -Half completed/Incomplete.



    The grades will be calculated with the following assignments.  Assignments  are to be completed on time and are to be turned in on the due date.  I will not accept late work.  This includes at the end of class and the end of the day.  Parents & students are encouraged to check “e-school” for updates about assignments and current grades. 

    Homework average - 15%

    Quiz Average – 20%

    Tests Average – 25%

    Projects – 25%

    Class Participation -15%



    The student handbook will be very closely followed.


    Absences/Makeup material

    If you are absent on the day that a test/quiz is scheduled it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to take it.  This is to be scheduled the day you return to school.  You may make come during your lunch period, or after school to complete make up material.  No make-ups will be given during class time.  Absence the class before a quiz or test does not excuse the student from taking a quiz/test. 


    It is the responsibility of the student to make up all missed assignments (including homework) within 5 days of returning to school.  If the assignment is not made up, a grade of a 0 is given for that assignment.  There are no exceptions, all assignments and announcements are posted on my PS DuPont teacher page and often emails are sent via e-school.  Please make arrangements with me for make up assignments at the end of the period or via email.

    Class Participation and Cooperation

    It is the responsibility of the student to cooperate with the other students in the class and with the teacher at all times.  There will be a lot of paired and group work.  Cooperation is imperative.  You will be evaluated daily on the following items.

    Speaking and use of Spanish


    Participation (I love participation!)

    Preparedness for class

    Please note:  You will not be rewarded for rude, uncooperative behavior.  You are expected to be using Spanish at all times to the best of your ability.  You will receive a zero for the day each time you are unprepared for any reason.

    Bathroom Policy/Hall Passes

    There will be no locker passes given at any time!  Be prepared for class.  Each student is permitted 5 Bathroom privileges per quarter.  Bathroom requests will be honored after the first 10 minutes and before the last 10 minutes of the class period only.  Students will present their agenda books & must sign out on the classroom log sheet in exchange for the pass.  If you have any special needs/concerns/medical conditions regarding bathroom issues, please speak to me or the school nurse.