• My Class Policies & Expectations

    Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts

    Mrs. Hunt – RM. 204


    Seventh grade Language Arts is a yearlong course in which students will continue to expand their knowledge in areas of literature, vocabulary, grammar and writing. Students will have a variety of opportunities throughout the year to use their creativity and imagination in conjunction with what they are learning in class.


    Classroom Instruction


    v     Vocabulary – Will be given in conjunction with readings done throughout the school year. We will also be studying Greek and Latin word origins. Assignments and assessments can be expected.

    v     Grammar – Students will be learning various lessons in grammar, and will be expected to keep a spiral notebook containing grammar notes and daily reinforcement practice problems. Some independent practice assignments and assessments will also be given throughout the year on the grammar concepts we have covered in class.

    v     Literature - Throughout the year, students will be engaged in several formats of reading, such as short stories, poems, as well as various novels. Reading may be assigned individually, in small groups or in whole group settings. In addition, some reading may be assigned outside of the classroom.

    v     Writing – Students will work on writing in various formats such as paragraphs, essays, journals, and response questions. Some writing assignments will require a process for completion, and while adequate time in class will be provided, some students may have to complete parts of the process for homework.

    v     Collaboration – In addition to receiving direct teacher instruction, students will also have an opportunity to teach and learn from one another. Consistently throughout the year students will be involved in many collaborative small group activities.


    Basis for Grades

                Grades will be based on a point system. Students’ final marking period grades will be configured based on how many points the student earned divided by the total number of points that the student could have possibly earned. Points can be earned through completion and mastery of concepts that are reflected in assignments that are given in the various categories.

    Ø      Grade Categories:

    o       Classwork/Homework – Assignments can take various forms from responding to questions to writing a paragraph summarizing what was read or learned in class. Although time in class will be provided to complete these tasks, students are expected to finish ALL assignments for homework if he or she could not finish them in class. NO ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted late unless a student is absent or under special circumstances. A note from home will be needed explaining any circumstances that may have prevented a student from completing an assignment on time.



    o       Daily Grammar – Old and new grammar concepts will be reviewed, taught, and reinforced throughout the year. Students will begin each class period by working on specific daily grammar tasks. Students will use their notes to aid them in complete these daily exercises. These exercises will be reviewed and discussed as well as assessed. Additional practice will be provided for any grammar concepts that students find difficult.  A daily grammar spiral notebook will be maintained by students and will contain all the notes and daily practice exercises. This notebook must be brought to class everyday. I will check the notebook once a week for points. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get ensure daily grammar practice is completed. Being absent is not an excuse for incomplete grammar exercises.

    o       Individual/Collaborative Projects – Students will complete various small and large projects throughout the year. Some of these projects will be done independently and some will be done collaboratively with either a partner or in a small group. Any collaborative projects done will require the student to do his/her part. Part of the student’s overall grade on a project will be based on his or her individual efforts and contributions of the final product.

    o       Tests and Quizzes – Tests and quizzes will be given to assess concepts taught in class. They will be given in various formats. Quizzes will assess one or two concepts, but tests will cover several concepts or will be given at the end of any unit of study. Both tests and quizzes will be announced.

    o       Writing Assignments – Students will be required to write various types of paragraphs and 5 paragraph essays throughout the year in which they will have to demonstrate their ability to write to an intended audience as well as demonstrate specific writing competencies.

    o       Portfolios – All of your work will be kept in one folder. It will be referred to as your ELA portfolio. A content sheet will be used to record your assignments. I will help you keep this organized. The portfolio will periodically be collected and graded. Don’t worry I will give at least a week’s notice so you can be sure it is in order.

    o       Journals – Students will each keep a marble notebook in class in which they will respond to various readings, prompts, and questions. Some responses I will pick to grade while some I will allow the students to chose for me to grade.

    o       Extra Credit – Students will be given a number of opportunities to earn extra credit points in a variety of ways throughout the school year. Extra credit opportunities will be offered to everyone, no extra credit opportunities will be given to students on an individual basis.


    Materials Needed:

    Ø      4 pocket folders

    Ø      3 highlighters (pink, yellow, green)

    Ø      Pens (Blue or Black ink only)

    Ø      Sharpened pencils and manual pencil sharpener with a shaving catcher

    Ø      Loose leaf paper

    Ø      1 marble notebook (to be kept in class)

    Ø      1 spiral notebook for daily grammar

    Ø      Crayons, colored pencils or markers (optional)

    Ø      Agenda book (the school gives out a free one)


    Classroom Expectations

    v     Students are expected to follow the student code of conduct as well as the P.S. DuPont middle School handbook

    v     Students are expected to exhibit P.S. Panther Pride at all times!

    v     Students are expected to write the class agenda down in their planner daily. This allows students to know what we will be learning daily as well as where we left off. This is crucial for students to do daily as it helps them focus on what is going on in ELA class.


    Daily Classroom Procedures


    o       Enter classroom quietly and go directly to your assigned seat

    o       Be seated in YOUR assigned seat

    o       Have your pencil sharpened

    o       Put assignments that are due on your desk as well as any needed materials

    o       Put any unused materials neatly in your desk’s basket holder – NOT ON THE FLOOR

    o       Copy the agenda into your planner

    o       Begin working on daily grammar exercises



    o       Talking stops

    o       Continue working on the daily grammar exercises

    o       Raise your hand if you have a question or concern



    o       Raise your hand if you’d like the teacher’s attention

    o       Be productive

    o       Remain in your seat or with your group unless you are given permission to leave it.

    o       Be respectful to your neighbors or group only talking during class discussions. Stay focused on the topic being discussed.



    o       Be sure to clean up your area (throw away trash and return any borrowed materials).

    o       Wait for the teacher to dismiss you, not the bell, so that you don’t miss any important announcements.


    Restroom Policy:

    Because attendance, collection of assignments, and other important information (intro. And wrap-up) is given in the first10 and last 10 minutes of class, students will not be permitted to leave the classroom at these times. If a student needs to use the restroom, I ask that students wait until all instructions have been given before asking to leave the room to use the bathroom. When leaving the room to use the bathroom: 1) Raise your hand to ask for permission 2) Sign out Completely on the clipboard by the door after permission has been given 3) Take the pass with you 4) Follow bathroom and hallway etiquette 4) Sign back in on the clipboard. Only 1 person is permitted to leave the classroom at a time. Restroom privileges may be restricted if I feel they are being abused.  *** When class falls over lunch students are expected to use the bathroom during lunch and will not be permitted to leave the class once we return from lunch.




    Locker Policy

    Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom to go to his/her locker to retrieve anything once the bell has rung. Any assignments left in the locker will not be accepted after class. All assignments are due on their due date.


    Make Up Policy

    It is the student’s responsibility to get information or assignments missed due to not attending a class period. Students will be expected to make up and turn into the teacher any missed assignment(s) in accordance to the policy of the student code of conduct. It is also the student’s responsibility upon returning to school to turn in any assignments that were due on the day(s) the student was absent.



    To remain aware of the expectations of your student, please check his/her planner regularly, as well as expect detailed progress reports and interims to come home. All grades can be viewed on the following website: https://hac.doe.k12.de.us/homeaccess/

    Please allow adequate time for grading and imputing for grades to update. In addition you can find information pertaining to my ELA class on my website via the school’s website. (It’s new so I am currently working on it)


    If any questions or concerns should arise at anytime please email me at:

    bertha.hunt@bsd.k12.de.us   or you can contact me via telephone at: 762 – 7146 (EXT. 1204) You will be directed to my voice mail. Please leave your name, your child’s name, contact number and time when it is best to reach you. All voice messages will be checked daily at 3:00 and will be returned within 24 hours.