• My Class Policies & Expectations
    Major activities in daily classroom instruction will consist of: We all line up in the hall to maintain order in the hallway transition, once the bell rings, we assemble in the room proper and roll is taken. I present the goal board of what is coming in the up coming week and discuss what is going to be done that day. We have the time to ask questions, review previously covered material,  demonstrate difficulties, and critique current work and then we begin the work cycle. I walk throughout the period and interface with the students when I see a need or they request it. I try not to be over their shoulder, but rather encourage they try to figure new directions and if they struggle, I step in to help. Five or so minutes BEFORE clean up, I give them a verbal “heads up” and then tell them to clean up five minutes before the bell.
     Grades will be calculated using the standard state point system:   A~ 93-100

                                                                                                               B~ 85-92

                                                                                                               C~ 77-84


                                                                                                               F~ Below 59

    Any work that is not complete, but show an attempt to meet the goal, will be given a “base grade upon the day that it is due~ usually between a LOW C to LOW D, depending on if effort has been made to get it done on time. Work can be made up due to illness, religious holiday, or traumatic event WITHOUT penalty and work can be accepted right up to the last week with parent/teacher agreement.


    The marking period final grade is cumulative and consists of Projects, Tests, Quiz’s, Homework and make up 8/9ths of the grade. The final exam is a multiple choice that is reviewed and will only be counted as 1/9ths of the grade.