Business Professionals of America

  • join BPA is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  Our meetings are held on the second and last Monday of each month.  Please ATTEND our first interest meeting on Sept., 21, so you can decide if you would like to be part of our group.  The dues for this  club will be paid using funds that I have available to me for educational spending.  No fee required by the students unless you attend the National BPA competition.  Feel free to follow the link below to our official site. 


    Please plan to attend and bring your friends!!

    Please come if interested!!

    Upcoming projects:

    •    Button making and sales - Fundraiser

    •    Adopt a Senior Citizen for the holidays - Donate $1 by December 14

    •    Stockings for Soldiers

    •    Business Competition - compete in various business applications

    •    Fall Leadership Conference - open to 8th graders first

Last Modified on September 17, 2015