• Student Preparation:
    Students should have their workbook and loose leaf or a notebook for math class and a folder for returned papaers, etc. The folder and notebook can be used with other classes. Replacement for workbooks will cost $5.00 to 10.00
    Home work is given each night that students have class. Often, students may complete their home work during RtI time when additional support is available to them.
    Homework help can be found at kahnacademy.com, or search youtube for topic videos.
    Student Responsibilities
    Be responsible for you behavior and learning. Be respectful of yourself and others, and be engaged in class activities to your best ability.
    Cooldown/exit tickets
    Mid module and end of module Tests
    30% of the work above is formative where students receive feedback and have chances at corrections. 70%  of thee above assessments are summative per district standards.
    Students may retake a test after or before schgool after consulting with teacher and doing corrections or futher study.