• Arrivals & Dismissals



    Arrival to School
    In order to ensure a safe, orderly arrival and dismissal, students that walk to school or are transported by car will enter and exit the building through the front doors.  Students that are transported to school by bus will entered the school through designated rear entry doors.

    7th and 8th grade students eating breakfast at school are permitted to enter the building beginning at 7:40 a.m.  Breakfast will be provided for all 6th grade students during homeroom which begins at 7:55 a.m.  All other students are permitted to enter the building at 7:55 a.m.  Students are to go directly to their lockers and report to homeroom.  All students should be in homeroom and ready for morning announcements no later than 8:10 a.m.   Students arriving to homeroom after 8:10 a.m. will be marked as tardy.

    Buses will arrive between 7:20 a.m. and 7:55 a.m. and will use the rear, semi-circular lane around the staff parking lot to drop off students for school.  For this reason, we ask that parents who are driving children to school to use the semi-circular "horseshoe" at the front of the building for student drop-off.  Parents and students will be greeted each morning and afternoon by faculty designated to assist with facilitating safe traffic patterns and student transport.  Please adhere to their requests and directions to ensure that all students safely enter and exit the building.  Once signaled, students can exit their vehicle and then use the brick walkways to come to the main entrance.  Parents, please do not use the Visitor Parking Spaces in the front of the building during arrival or dismissal times.  Cars located in these spaces will be blocked in as cars arrive.


    Dismissal from School
    Afternoon announcements will be made at the beginning of the last period, each day.  Students will remain in their last period class until they are dismissed at 2:48.  The students may then retrieve their belongings from their lockers and use the appropriate exits for dismissal. 



    Early dismissal from School
    Students should give, parent-written, notes requesting early dismissal to one of the secretaries in the Main Office.  Students will be sent to the office at their designated dismissal time only if the parent note requests that the student be waiting in the office. Normal practice will be to have the student remain in class for instruction until the parent arrives.


    *Parents, we ask for your cooperation in not picking up students early in order to beat the dismissal traffic.  Calling students down for early dismissal results in interruptions of the learning activity.