• Wednesday, February 27, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/27/2019

    Today students worked on several questions for the articles that they read.  They then got into groups for a discussion web regarding the adversity prompt they will be addressing in an argument.  Students were given back lots of their questions and assignments.  Students tried to help me stop saying "guys..." which is not going to be easier for me...thanks for your support!


    HW: Finish your questions and bring a hard copy on Friday.

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  • Monday, February 25, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/25/2019

    Today students learned two new vocabulary words, calamity- disaster or an event causing damage or distress  and elicit- to draw out. We then finished the last 30 minutes of Hidden Figures and discussed some of the director's choices to determine what enhanced and detracted from the actual storyline.  We finished the period reading articles for the practice argument writing which will support or refute the idea that people need adversity in their lives in order to be strong and successful.  There are five short articles and students were asked to annotate, highlight, and/or take separate notes on the content of each article as it pertains to the idea of the positive and negative effects of adversity.


    Finish reading and annotating the articles.  Come prepared with your claim regarding the prompt.

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  • Tuesday, February 19, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/20/2019

    Hello and Happy Snow Day!

    Yesterday our class went over many of the critical thinking questions for Hidden Figures.  Students selected two questions for me to grade as a summative assignment.  We then started watching Hidden Figures.  Students were asked to record noticable changes that the director made regarding characters, events, and emotion.  Students were also asked to record whether the changes enhanced or detracted from the text.

    Important request!

    Important addition!  I hope you are having a super snow day...thank goodness it actually started snowing!  I have a big request for you.  Could you please follow the link below and take the student climate survey for our school?  It will take no more than 10 minutes and the school uses the information to address problems and make changes for your benefit.


    You may have to cut and paste the link.  If there are any problems, please email me to let me know.  Thank you in advance for your help!

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  • Thursday, Feburary 14, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/14/2019

    Today students learned the word, exasperated, which means intensely frustrated.  We did a quick review of ethos, pathos, and logos- parts of an argument.  Students then worked on completing the book and responded to the guided questions regarding Hidden Figures and the Civil Rights Movement. Questions and responses were returned to students.

    HW: Finish the book and complete the following questions.   The second question will be used to write a short argument next week.

    Chapters 21-23

    • What errors or problems might the US have encountered or needed to deal with as a result of the unrelenting Soviet advances? Consider the US was under to catch up.
    • Consider the ideas presented in Ferroni’s article. There is information presented in chapters 21-22 that supports the opinions he presents. Explain.
    • We are currently reliant on technology. Agree or disagree? Explain. Consider Glenn’s choice regarding humans versus computers. If your life depended on accuracy, would you choose technology or human computation?
    • Apply the following quote by Oscar Wilde, “Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.”
    • Many African Americans supported the research of NASA early on; however, their enthusiasm dwindled over the years. In your own words, explain and provide your own insight.


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  • Tuesday, February 12, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/12/2019

    Today we went over some argumentation terminology, propostion, opposition, assertion, and claim.  We reviewed the debate that students had last week regarding the article about history texts. Students were given several points to respond to based on the debate to consider how to better respond to assertions. Next, I modeled how to answer a question thoughtfully with analysis.  Students then exchanged their critical thinking questions for chapters 17-20 to analyze for effectiveness and to respond thoughtfully to one.



    1. In chapter 17 there is explanation of how “women had to learn to work with men.” The text follows with all of the more menial tasks that women were expected to do even though they have the same drive, intellect, and curiosity as their male counterparts. The text states, “The problem was that women had to get over the high hurdle of low expectations- they needed to prove that they were just as good as men and should be held to the same standards and given the same opportunities” (Shetterly, 2014, 143). Do you agree with this statement? this thinking? Explain.
    2. Go to the following link and read Brown I and Brown II and “Massive Resistance” (on the next page- go to the bottom right to get there). Write a brief summary of your understanding of these two events. Try to connect them as one summary of your understanding of what was happening in Virginia schools. Consider Katherine Goble’s choice for her own children.


    1. Consider that the events from this book are happening at the same time as the Civil Rights Movement. Can you find examples of events or scenarios from the chapters that seem to fall short of accurate representations of what was happening outside of Langley? Find at least one and explain.
    2. Follow-up to #3: Why was it different at Langley than in other places in the south? (This will take some critical thinking and explanation.)
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  • Friday, February 8, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/8/2019

    Today we reviewed the components of an effective argument.  Students turned in their work from Wednesday which we will go over next week (the poem and the article).  We also went over the questions for Hidden Figures- #3 and #4- Michelle Obama's amazing quote!  We then discussed some of the terminology for arguing, proposition, opposition, rebuttal/refute, assertion.  Students then worked in their debate groups to prepare for our informal practice debate using the article provided.  We went over debate rules and etiquette.  Students then took part in the debate.  They did a great job, too!  We will debrief next week regarding some observations I made while students were engaged.


    Read Hidden Figures chapters 17-20. Students are to generate three exceptional critical thinking questions regarding the reading.  Students are encouraged to use other readings or quotes to connect the reading to other ideas.  Students must respond to their own questions on a separate page (thoughtfully).

    Students who missed Wednesday: Check the file library for the two readings that students completed. Please read the poem and respond to the TEXT DEPENDENT questions.  Read the article and write a brief response below it.

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  • Monday, February 4, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 2/4/2019

    Today students did a grammar warm-up regarding connecting two independent clauses to create a compound sentence.  Next, students worked in small groups to discuss the Hidden Figure questions that were assigned.  Our last group presented propaganda for North Korea and then students responded to the article they read over the weekend.  Students then grouped up according to whether they agreed or disagreed with the information in the article.  They worked to establish points and counterpoints for their positions.


    Complete your points- have them written out for Friday.

    Read chapters 13-16 and respond to the questions that will be posted tomorrow*  All students must complete #3 and #4. You can then select two more that you would like to respond to for a total of 4 questions.

     What makes it possible for Katherine to overcome prejudice and be successful in the flight research division?

    2. What conscious decision did Katherine make about discrimination in her workplace? Provide an example of a time when you or someone that you know was able to work past adversity in life to move forward.

    3. How does Dorothy use adversity to achieve greater success?

    4. How does the following quote from Michelle Obama’s Becoming reflect a similar experience to the previous question (#3)

    “I understood already that I’d be measured by a different yardstick. As the only African American First Lady to set foot in the White House, I was “other” almost by default. If there was a presumed grace assigned by my white predecessors, I knew it wasn’t likely to be the same for me. I’d learned through the campaign stumbles that I had to be better, faster, smarter, and stronger than ever. My grace would need to be earned. I worried that Americans wouldn’t see themselves reflected in me, or that they wouldn’t relate to my journey. I wouldn’t have the luxury of settling into my new role slowly before being judged. And when it came to judgement, I was as vulnerable as ever to the unfounded fears and racial stereotypes that lay just beneath the surface of the public consciousness, ready to be stirred up by rumor or innuendo.”

    5. Fear of the Russians both negatively and positively impacted citizens.  Explain.

    6. What is the connection between the incident at Little Rock and Sputnik?

    7. How did the shift from NACA to NASA help to shed light on the contributions provided by women?


    I will be at the Shakespeare Festival on Wednesday.  There will be a student agenda that you will follow and complete.  Anything not completed should be completed for homework.

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  • Monday, January 28, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 1/28/2019

    Today we went over some good presentation tips and students were given about 20 minutes to work through and rehearse their presentations.  Students who presented did a great job, great eye contact and good volume overall.  Some students were exceptionally engaging and enthusiastic, and all students demonstrated a clear understanding of the propaganda practices taking place in their assigned countries.

    On Wednesday, we will begin and finish presentations first thing.  We will then discuss the homework from the last two days, ""Numbers Don't Lie" article and questions, and the adversities you recognized in the first eight chapters. 

    HW: Read chapters 9-12 and the Tuskegee article found in the file library for Monday.  Respond to the questions below (also in the file library) regarding the reading thoughtfully.  Please type and double space your responses. The questions are ordered chronologically.

          1. While the prediction of an end to the war would seemingly be good news, it created tension for many. Explain.
          2. Men and administration at Langley may have missed many opportunities to advance their work because of their stereotyping. Explain.
          3. How did the Mach I provide opportunity for the women at Langley?
          4. One of the subtitles used, “No Speed Limits,” may have more than one meaning. Explain.
          5. How did management at Langley justify racial discrimination?
          6. Mary Jackson earned respect at Langley. Explain
          7. “Blacks and Whites were exploring new grounds together.” Do you agree with this statement? Respond and explain
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  • Thursday, January 24, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 1/24/2019

    Today students started with STAR testing.  After finishing, they started reading the book, Hidden Figures.  Students were told that as they read through the first eight chapters, they need to record examples of adversity faced by the people in the book. When students get to chapter 6, they should stop and read the article handed out today about Women and NASA.  After testing, students were given time to collaborate on their projects which will be presented on Monday.

    Students will have 15-20 minutes to run through the presentation before presenting. 

    We will be discussing your responses to the article, "Numbers Don't Lie," next week as well.


    • Finish the project and practice what you will communicate to the class regarding what you have learned.  Look over the rubric to make sure you are clear on what I will be looking for in the presentation.
    • Read up to chapter 6, then read the NASA article, then read through chapter 8.  Record clearly examples of adveristy faced by the people in the story.
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  • Tuesday, January 22, 2019

    Posted by Tracy Selekman on 1/22/2019

    Today students learned the root -vers- to turn and the vocabulary word adversity which means difficulties or challenges. Students were then asked to look at pictures related to their new unit to get them thinking about the book.  Students were given an article to read which will be in the file library by tonight.  Students need to journal regarding the questions posed below after reading the article, "Numbers Don't Lie." We then went over the presentation rubric that will be used to evaluate students' presentations of their propaganda projects next Monday.  Students then worked in their propaganda groups.

    We have STAR on Thursday and then studnets will have time to work to put together their presentations.

    Hidden Figure books were distributed today.



    1. Journaling questions for the article:

    • What goal(s) do you have? What are your strengths in regard to your goals? What inhibitors or obstacles exist that may make attaining your goal a challenge?


    2. Prepare projects

    3. Read through chapter 8 of Hidden Figures by Monday.  Do not read beyond 6 before Thursday.

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