

    PS DuPont Middle School


    Health and Physical Education




    Name of Course: Physical Education and Health                                                                                                 Department: Physical Education           


    Level of Course: 6th, 7th, 8th grade                                                                                                                    School Year: 2018-2019


    Name of Teacher: 6th grade – Ms. Pickhaver   7th grade – Mr. Elder   8th grade – Ms. Weidman




    Delaware Standards for Physical Education:

    A physical educated person will:

    Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

    Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

    Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.

    Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

    Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

    Standard 6: Creates opportunities for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction through physical activity.


    Delaware Standards for Health Education:

    Students will:

    Standard 1: Understand essential health concepts in order to transfer knowledge into health actions for life.

    Standard 2: Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.

    Standard 3: Demonstrate the ability to access information, products and services to enhance health.

    Standard 4: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

    Standard 5: Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

    Standard 6: Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

    Standard 7: Demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. (Self-management)

    Standard 8: Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.


    II. Major activities in daily classroom instruction may consist of:

    • Activities that focus on the 5 major components of fitness
    • Cooperative learning activities
    • Individual learning tasks
    • Problem solving activities
    1. Assignments during the semester may include:
    • Diagramming and labeling of sport specific activity areas
    • Personal fitness evaluations and fitness zone calculations
    • Written assignments/projects
    • Group presentations/projects
    • Health notebook check at the end of each marking period
    1. The marking period grade will consist of the following elements:
    • Sportsmanship, effort, preparation, skills, knowledge and behavior rubric
    • Health assignments/tests/quizzes
    • Completion of all of the components of the Fitnessgram testing program

    *As per 2017/2018 BSD grading guidelines all students will receive summative and formative evaluations.



    Participation and Preparedness : VERY IMPORTANT!      


    In order to participate in Physical Education classes all students are required to change clothes.


    With the exception of sneakers, the clothes that a student wears to school are not the clothes that the student is wearing for physical education class.


    If a student is not prepared for class or refuses to change his/her clothes, he/she will not be allowed to participate and will lose 10 points for the day and be required to stand on the side of the gymnasium for the entire class period to observe instruction.


    A “change of clothes” includes: ** T-shirt (sweatshirts and fleece shirts may be worn over t-shirt)

                                                    ** Athletic shorts/sweatpants (no jeans, no khakis)

                                                           ** Sneakers


    Lockers are available in the locker rooms for students to keep all P.E. items. It is strongly recommended that all students use a lock on the lockers to secure items. Before and after classes staff may enter the locker rooms to check on the overall condition. Staff may also enter the locker rooms to monitor students and behavior. Students are expected to behave appropriately and respectfully in the locker rooms at all times. Students will not be permitted to reenter the locker rooms after changing for class until the end of class. Students are responsible for their belongings. The staff and administration of PS DuPont Middle School are not responsible for lost or stolen items.


    Students and Health and P.E. staff use a rotating schedule during the semester. Students will be given a printed copy of the schedule and it will also be available on the teacher page.



    While in Health class students are required to have the following items to be prepared:


    ** 2-pocket folder

    ** Lined paper

    ** Pencil

    ** Student planner/agenda sheets

    ** All handouts/assignments provided by instructor


    Students will receive a combined grade for Health and Physical Education for each interim and marking period during the semester. Make-up times/activities will be available if a student is absent and misses fitness test or Health tests. Excusal from Physical Education activities due to extended illnesses and/or injuries will require a signed and dated physician’s note.


    We hope to have a great year!





    Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________         Date:____________



    Student Signature: _____________________________________             Date:_____________