• Middle School Health and Physical Education


    ·         Your son/daughter has Physical Education/Health on alternating days (A/B) for the next 20 weeks.

    ·         Your son/daughter must change their clothes for Physical Education every day (Shorts, t-shirt, sweatpants, sweatshirt, and sneakers).


     ·         A letter grade is given for this course (A, B, C, D, and F).  The grade will be a combination of Physical Education and Health.


    ·         Your son/daughter will also have four weeks of Health Education which include Unit tests.  Units include:  Nutrition, Puberty, Body Images/Eating Disorders, and Family life/relationships.


    ·         Your son/daughter is responsible to complete pre and post fitness tests.  Six fitness tests will be completed using FitnessGram tests and data (Timed Mile, Pacer, Curl-Ups, Push-Ups, Back Saver Sit and Reach, and Truck Lift).