• Paper Modeling

    Mr. Fawks's NEW Hobby of Paper Modeling

    Under Construction Under Construction  
     St. Peter's Basilica Under Construction
    During the summer as I was preparing for teaching STEM, I discovered the art of paper modeling.  This is also often referred to as card modeling.  My first paper model was of the Empire State Building.  While doing some research on Amazon for some materials for my classes, I accidentally found a paper model of the Empire State Building designed by Alan Rose.  I made the purchase and soon was cutting, folding, pasting, and constructing paper models. As you can see, it has become a new hobby for me.
     Empire State Building Empire State Building Empire State Building  
     Empire State Building
    Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower  
    Eiffel Tower 
     Capital Building & Washington Monument Capital Building Entrance Capital Building
     Capital Building and Washington Monument
    Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Taj Mahal
    Taj Mahal, India
     St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City St. Peter's Basilica St Peter's Basilica
    St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
     Cinderella's Castle - West View Cinderella's Castle - South View Cinderella's Castle - East View
    Cinderella's Caste - North View Cinderella's Castle - Top View Cinderella's Castle - Close Up
    Cinderella's Castle, Walt Disney World
     Brooklyn Bridge Tower Bridge
     Brooklyn Bridge                                               Tower Bridge
    Sydney Harbour Bridge Golden Gate Bridge  
    Sydney Harbour Bridge                                          Golden Gate Bridge 
     At some point when you are in the school and would like to stop in to check out my paper models, please just let me know.  It is amazing to see 2 dimensional flat paper turn into something 3 dimensional.  Some of these amazing engineering achievements are brought to life for me by being able to see them close up, even if it is just folded paper.  
    Smaller Paper Models  
    For some Free Paper Models, check out papertoys.com
    This Webpage is Under Construction so
    check back for updates and new paper model additions!
    Some of my upcoming paper models:
    Titanic by Alan Rose
    Hindenburg by Alan Rose 
    P.S. duPont Middle School
    BSD Stem Logo