• NJHS Induction Ceremony on April 27, 2017

     4.0 GPA Recognition Induction Ceremony Audience
     NJHS Officers celebrate the induction of new NJHS members!
    6th Grade Inductees 7th Grade Inductees
    Ethan Anders Jessica Grier Jude Meyer Sydney Boyd
    Domenico Anerino Vincent Grillo Julia Moon Christian Brandt
    Thomas Baer Mairin Hamilton Lillian Moon Christy Chacko
    Abriaunna Barlow Melinda Hayflinger Peri Mulveny Stephen Chesire
    Audrey Bilek William Joseph Herr Sophia Murray Alexander Costas
    Isabel Bishop Celia Hoffman Jaden Nowell Chloe Desrosiers
    Madeline Bissessar Bridget Holmes Ashiyana Patel Michelle Do
    Benjamin Bober Emmett Jackson Opalina Paudyal Kathryn Farabaugh
    Juliana Borreggine Saiarun Jayanthi Jonathan Pei Rayna Glover
    Drew Brady Anand John Peyton Pinder Jonathan Liss
    Natalie Carr Natalie Johnson Victoria Poole Alyssa McDowell
    PerShaye Carter Arun Krisnamurthy Gabriel Pust Rahmya Neal
    Rebekah Cheong Sahil Langote Helen Qi Jackson O'Hanlon
    Fatmata Conteh Jessica Lattanzi Jacob Randall Jarrod Oppenheimer
    Nadia Cook Samantha Lepre Meera Ratnagiri Keira Oppenheimer
    Gloria Corona Joanna Lin Talitha Ryle Lyndsey Pearson
    Tejasvi Dantu Alexander Linton Shannon Salerni Teyton Pressley
    Harper Davis Grace Liu Alaina Tchimina Ilana Princilus
    Mary Davis Ian Macturk Owen Thomas Dylan Rafferty
    Tyler Dixon Drew Manocchio Kiley Williams Devon Stankis
    Amber Donnelly Thane Martin Zakia Zara John Stengel
    Griffin Erdman Greer Marvel Nathan Zhao Maya Stokes
    Isabella Gatta Evan McGee   Madelyn Thomas
    Names in Bold have earned a 4.0 GPA! 

    Congratulations to all of the new NJHS members!  

     Induction Celebration Induction Celebration
    Induction Celebration Induction Celebration  
    Induction Celebration Induction Celebration  
    Induction Celebration Induction Celebration  
     Induction Celebration Induction Celebration
    Induction Celebration Induction Celebration  
    Induction Celebration Induction Celebration  
Last Modified on May 21, 2017