• Parent Information Pertaining to NJHS Induction

    All 6th and 7th grade students will be monitored for the 1st and 2nd marking periods.  Those students that maintain a grade point average of 3.25 or higher after the 1st and 2nd marking periods will then be provided with an application that will place these students into candidacy for membership.  Each candidate must demonstrate scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character.  After the 3rd marking period, applications will be reviewed by the Faculty Council to ensure that the 3.25 or higher grade point average has been maintained and that each candidate has demonstrated leadership, service, citizenship, and character.  All of these requirements must be met in order for the Faculty Council to approve a candidate for membership in the National Junior Honor Society. 
    If a candidate does not meet one or more of the requirements, the Faculty Council will notify the candidate with the reasons why the candidate was not approved.  If additional clarification is necessary, it can then be presented for further review.
    If a candidate meets all of the requirements, the Faculty Council will notify the candidate that they have been accepted and will be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society during the NJHS Induction Ceremony. 
    It is highly suggested that potential 6th grade students begin to accumulate the service hours required for membership during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marking periods in order to meet this NJHS requirement.
    Example of the information contained on the application (Please do not use this document for application):

    To be eligible for membership consideration, a student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 or better.  Additionally, potential members must meet high standards of leadership, service, character, and citizenship.  Students are invited to complete a candidate form to be considered for membership.  The Faculty Council, consisting of at least five P.S. duPont staff members, will review each application for the established criteria as follows:

    Leadership:  List at least one leadership position either elected or appointed OR list membership in a leadership group such as Leader Corps, Boy/Girl Scouts, or Youth in Government.  Additional examples: elected student body, class, or club officer; committee chairperson; captain of a sports team or extracurricular activity; newspaper editor; work manager; or community leader.

    Leadership Position

    (Please specify the position held, as well as the activity.)

    Position Held & Responsibilities

    (Please be as specific as possible.)








    Service:  List one or more service activities in which you have participated.  Must total 5 or more hours of (unpaid) service.  (This cannot include babysitting for family members or chores.)  Service may be performed in conjunction with one of the activities listed in Activities/Citizenship or Leadership above.  Also, include any volunteer community service hours.

    Service Activity

    (Please be as specific as possible.)

    # of Hours


    (Please be as specific as possible.)










    Activities/Citizenship:  List at least one in-school and one out-of-school activity in which you participated while a student at P.S. duPont Middle School.  These might include clubs, teams, musical groups, scouts, youth groups, or other organizations.

    Activity Name

    (Please be as specific as possible.)


    (Please be as specific as possible, including how your participated.)








                Character: When considering candidates, character is looked at in terms of integrity, behavior, ethics, and cooperation with peers and faculty members.  Any student who has had an in or out-of-school suspension, served Time Out, or been assigned multiple detentions may not be eligible for membership.  The Faculty Council and Principal will review the situation and make a decision on eligibility.
    Once selected for membership, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.  Members will also be required to attend one meeting a month during the school year while attending P.S. duPont Middle School.
    If you have any questions, please contact
    Membership in NJHS does not guarantee membership in NHS at the high school level.
Last Modified on May 21, 2017