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    Today is 5/16/2024
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    Laura Carlson
    6th grade math teacher
    Email address:   Laura.Carlson@bsd.k12.de.us
    Phone/Voicemail: 302-479-1621 ext. 189
    Room:  189

    About Me

    My Education:  Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering - Lafayette College
                               Master of Science in Mathematics Education- Widener University
                                 National Board Certified - Middle Level Mathematics
    My Experience:  This is my 17th year of teaching math in the Brandywine School District and my 6th year at Springer Middle School.
    Favorite Quote:    " Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
                                       Albert Einstein
    Teaching Philosophy:   I believe that every child has the ability to learn but each in their own way.  I do not follow the one size fits all philosophy.
    Personal Interests:  I enjoy spending time with my family which includes my husband of 26 years, my son Alex, my daughters Maddie and Ainsley, a dog and 3 cats.  In my spare time I like to read, play piano, do crafts and go for walks.