• Today is 5/16/2024
    Welcome !
    Allison Brody
    Special Education
     Phone/Voicemail:  479-1621 ext. 230
     Room:   230

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart" -Helen Keller   

    About Me
    My Education:  I received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Music from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2000.  I continued my education and pursued my Master's Degree in Community Counseling from Arcadia University, graduating in 2006. I have recently started continuing my education once again working on my Master's Plus classes; earning certificates in Motivation/Classroom Management & Inclusive Classroom Teaching. I am dually certified in both General Education and Special Education.
    My Experience: I started my teaching career as an Elementary School Teacher in The Philadelphia School District at M. Hall Stanton Elementary from 2000-2007.  After completing my Master's degree I was a child outpatient therapist in the Princeton Health Care System for 2 years. After moving down to Delaware I taught in Christina School District for a year at Douglass Alternative School, and finally made my way to Brandywine School District. I taught 6th grade special education at Harlan Elementary School, and have been at Springer Middle School since the district reconfigured the schools. I started at Springer as a 6th grade special education teacher and moved up to 8th grade 5 years ago. 
    Teaching Philosophy:   (Enter your teaching philosophy here)
    Personal Interests: I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, mind benders, swimming & going to the beach, arts and crafts, spending time with my family and traveling. I actually lived in Israel for a year and was able to travel to Egypt! Being from the Philadelphia area I am a loyal Eagles and Phillies fan! E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!!!!!


    "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney