


    The Springer Store is a place where students, parent, teachers and others can purchase supplies and other items for their classes at reasonable prices while within a school setting. This venture is a small student-run store that sells items such as binders, notebooks, pens, pencils, calculators, rulers, paper, etc. The store also supplies students with many fun and trendy novelty items chosen by School Store workers.
    The Springer Store is in Room 160 (adjacent to the cafeteria) and will be open certain times during the school day and during special events after school.  Most of the merchandise is available to students by walking in to the store. Some items will be available online (Springer Wear) and by downloading and filling out the order form.
    For more information click on the links to the left or email the advisor Mr. Kunz (michael.kunz@bsd.k12.de.us).