• Today is 5/16/2024
    Welcome !
    Mr. Bradley
    Mr. Dan Bradley
    7th  and 8th Grade ELA
    Language Arts Enrichment
     Email address:   daniel.bradley@bsd.k12.de.us
     Phone/Voicemail:  302-479-1621 ext.204
     Room:   206

    About Me

    My Education:   BA in Literature, American University
                               MEd in Education, Cabrini College
    My Experience:  Teaching Grades 6-8 for 29 Years
    Favorite Quote:    "Me fail english, thats unpossible!"  -Ralph Wiggum
    What to Expect in Room 206:  You will work every day.  You will be treated with respect.  You will learn and improve. 
    Personal Interests:  I enjoy going to the beach, reading, crossword puzzles, and "The Simpsons."