• Today is 5/16/2024
    Welcome !
    Mr. Arasim
    Mr. Stu Arasim
    Social Studies, 6th Grade
    Room: 186
     Email address:   stuart.arasim@bsd.k12.de.us
     Phone/Voicemail: 479-1621 x 186

    About Me

    My Education: 1974-1976:  Brandywine High school
                            1976-1980:  University of Delaware - Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
                            1981-1983:  University of Delaware - Bachelors Degree in History 
                                                                                        Certification in Secondary Instruction
                            1990-1992:  Wilmington University- Masters in Educational Administration
    My Experience: 2 Years Octorara School District, PA
                              30 Years Brandywine School District, Hanby and P.S. duPont Middle Schools
    Philosophy: I believe todays students learn in many varied ways and it is key to reach every student by relating to their individual learning style. If our students are comfortable and motivated they all can achieve great success.

    Interests and activities: I am currently a senior level swim coach at the Brandywine YMCA and have been involved with coaching swimming for over 40 years including 16 seasons at BSD high schools. I enjoy spending time fishing and being on the water. I enjoy playing music and spending my summers in Northern Maine.