Philosophical Basis
    The goal at the Brandywine School District is to create an environment conducive to learning and appropriate for an educational setting. With this in mind, the following conditions have been adopted for students attending school in our district. Students must adhere to the following guidelines in school and at school-sponsored events.  Items of clothing not specifically covered in the list below can be prohibited at the discretion of the administration. Students in violation of the dress code will be required to change into clothes that meet the school expectations. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
    Elementary School:  
    1. PANTS/SLACK/CAPRIS:  SOLID COLORS ONLY.  Navy blue, black, khaki (tan)..  No Blue Jeans/Blue Denim. 
    2. SKIRTS/SHORTS/SKORTS/JUMPERS:  SOLID COLORS ONLY.  Navy Blue, black, khaki or brown.  No Blue Jeans/Blue Denim. Must be a least fingertip length.  No short shorts or “daisy duke” shorts.  Jumpers must be worn with a blouse or shirt.  
    3. SHIRTS:  SOLID COLORS ONLY.  All shirts must have a collar.  Acceptable styles include:  Golf/polo shirts in short or long sleeve, oxford style button down collared shirt, cotton blouse with a peter-pan collar; turtlenecks and mock turtlenecks.  Midriffs should be covered.  No tank tops or halter-tops.  Shirts and blouses must have a collar and must be a solid color (turtleneck shirts are permitted).
    4. SWEATERS/SWEATSHIRTS/CARDIGANS:  SOLID COLORS ONLY.  Must be worn with a collared shirt and should be plain with no logos (or very small) on them.  
    5. All clothing must be neat, clean and in a condition of good repair.
    6. Headwear of any type may not be worn – male and female. (Note: The only exception to this rule is documented religious or medical reasons)
    7. Outerwear is not permitted while in the building.
    8. The length of skirts, skorts and shorts must be at least mid thigh.
    9. All shirts must cover shoulders, cleavage, stomach and back.
    10. Footwear must be worn at all times. (Flip flops, Healey’s and bedroom slippers are not permitted)
    11. Clothing must be worn as intended:
    • Pants must be worn properly and are to be pulled up and secured at the waist
    • Undergarments are not to be visible.
    • Pajamas are not permitted.
    12. Apparel that advertises, glorifies, or symbolizes any illegal substances or any substances illegal to minors, containing derogatory phrases, profanity, or glorifies violence or criminal behavior are not permitted to be worn. 
    13. Students may not wear lewd, suggestive, or excessively tight clothing with writing on the buttocks, spiked jewelry or long chains. 
    Middle and High School: 
    1. All clothing must be neat, clean, and in a condition of good repair.
    2. Clothing with inappropriate, suggestive or derogatory pictures or phrases may not be worn.
    3. Clothing designed to be worn as undergarments may not be visible.
    4. No headwear is to be worn in the building during the school day.  This includes, but is not limited to: hat, bandana, scarf, earmuffs, sunglasses, or any other head covering, including hoods. (Exception: Any headwear worn for religious beliefs with the appropriate documentation)
    5. Shirts and blouses that leave the midriff bare are prohibited.
    6. All shirts must have sleeves. 
    7. Heavy, bulky jackets, or overcoats, as determined by the administration, should be placed in lockers.
    8. Shorts and skirts are to be respectable and modest length. 
    9. Pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist and a belt is strongly recommended. (Pajamas are prohibited)
    10. Excessively tight clothing is not permitted.
    11. Clothing with frayed edges or visible holes are not permitted. (Unless there is a layer of clothing under the frayed item)
    12. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times (slippers are not permitted).
    13. Students wearing jewelry or accessories that may be considered unsafe or inappropriate to the learning environment may be subject to review by the administration. 
    14. Any other garments or accessories that would be a distraction to the orderly educational process are prohibited. 
    Students in violation of the dress code policy will receive disciplinary action and will be excused from class until they are dress code compliant.
    Students have the responsibility:
    - To follow guidelines for dressing and grooming in a manner which shows cleanliness, promotes safety, and demonstrates respect for themselves and others
    Students have the right:
    - To dress and groom as they choose as long as they do not disrupt the educational process or endanger the health and safety of themselves or others as outlined in established school guidelines