
    Special Education Department


    The Special Education Department provides supports and services that have been designed to support specific student needs or that serve a specialized population of students. 



       The Brandywine School District's vision is that students with disabilities will reach their full potential as members of society. We embrace parents/guardians as collaborative partners in a process that promotes trust and respect. Each student shall be treated as a unique individual and shall receive appropriate inclusive education through the use of best practices based on scientific research.


       Our mission is to make special education procedures more universal with common practices and common language, to deliver consistent effective services and instruction, and to improve the quality of our services that will in turn improve the performance of our special education students.

       If you need additional information or guidance on the topics listed, please click here.  Questions and issues pertaining to individual students and schools should first be directed to staff at the school level whenever possible.  If you are unsure where to find the information you need, please contact District Office at 793-5000 or carin.bruton@bsd.k12.de.us for assistance.