• Business and Community Partnerships


    New partnerships are being formed every day with businesses in our community.  We value the involvement of these public, private and not-for-profit organizations and hope you'll consider joining our growing list. 

    We are currently looking for references from our families as to the best contact within your companies for starting a conversation about the many opportunities within our school district.  Some times it is the head of a department, a community relations officer or even an energetic parent looking for a team project for their group who helps open the door to that initial conversation.  If you'd like to help make these introductions, please contact our Family and Community Liaison, Ashley Dalzell-Gray at 302-250-5044 or email at ashley.dalzellgray@bsd.k12.de.us
    It is an exciting time to be a part of public education and a postive influence on a student.  



Last Modified on August 16, 2012